Thursday, September 4, 2008

Return for a day

I am now ready to write something new, it's a rainy day, with no gardening duties in sight, and--it's time to go to work--to my real job. I have put off writing for more than a year, because I cornered myself into the gardening theme and it seemed daunting to relate every blog to gardening. So many wonderful and difficult times have come and gone, and I thought "I could blog about this"--but I didn't.

So much for guilt! Someone out there is saying "Just do it!" Well, okay, this is the start--confession. Have to leave now and put on my scrubs. I'll be back.


Buckeyemama said...

Yeah - you're back to blogging. I kept checking, hoping beyond hope that you might . . . and you did!! Good job. Ditch the gardening theme and just go with whatever strikes your fancy!! Love ya! T

Buckeyemama said...

Still waiting for that next post!!!

Buckeyemama said...

Still waiting!